

New Book: Steve McCurry:  A Life in Pictures, by Bonnie McCurry

The selection of photographs includes Steve’s best-known shots
and more than 100 previously unpublished images.
Also included are personal notes, telegrams and
visual ephemera from his travels and assignments,
all accompanied by his sister’s text, personal recollections
and family stories.

Rajasthan, India  This is the cover of the French edition published by La Martiniere

Most of my pictures are grounded in people.
I look for the unguarded moment,
 experience etched on a person’s face.
I try to convey what it is like to be that person, a person caught in
a broader landscape that I guess you’d call the human condition.
– Steve McCurry

Istanbul, Turkey

In his portraits, I see the clearest reflection of Steve’s most
dearly held value: respect.
– Bonnie McCurry, pg 182 in English version

Bamako, Mali

McCurry has an uncanny ability to cross boundaries of
language and culture to capture stories of human experience,
and make images that embrace the audience
rather than distance them.
– Giles Huxley-Parlour

Baluchistan, Pakistan
Landi Kotal, Pakistan
Old Havana, Cuba

The undercurrent of positivity that runs through his work makes
him extraordinarily 
popular with the public, who find his
work speaks to them in  ways that other photographers cannot manage.
He is not afraid to confront trauma and hardship, but nor is he artistically
compromised by joy and beauty–to me, this makes him a
standout photographer of our times…
– Giles Huxley-Parlour


I think we’re all fascinated with each other; we all have the same face
but yet we’re all different.
That difference is fascinating because so often there’s an
incredible story told on our faces.
– Steve McCurry

Cotopaxi, Ecuador
Santiago, Chile
Alabama, USA
Moray, Scotland

To me, the half-hidden smiles and open eyes that so often appear in these portraits imply that these portraits are not Steve’s alone; rather they are collaborations of a sort. These people give themselves to Steve, and in turn, Steve gives them the opportunity to tell their story to the world.
– Bonnie McCurry

US Mexico Border
Cape Town, South Africa
US Mexico Border
Karelia, Russia

 Steve McCurry:  A Life in Pictures

Available in Italian – Mondadori/Electa

Available in German – Knesebeck publishers

Available in English – Laurence King Publishers

Available in French- La Martiniere



Nature’s Art and Architecture


For nature is the art of God.
– Thomas Browne

Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA

The greatest cathedral of all is nature itself.
It simultaneously humbles and pulls up giant emotions
that cannot be fully expressed in mere words.
– Rodney Cobb


Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature.
It will never fail you.
– Frank Lloyd Wright

Easter Island, Chile
Taung Kalat, Mt. Popa, Burma
Giant’s Causeway, Ireland

Rain! Whose soft architectural hands have power to cut
stones and chisel to shapes of grandeur the very mountains.
– Henry Ward Beecher


Nature seems to have poured forth her
riches so without calculation,

merely to mark the fullness of her joy.
– Margaret Fuller

Tahiti, French Polynesia, France

The artist and the photographer seek the mysteries
and the adventure of experience in nature.
– Ansel Adams


The day of the sun is like the day of a king. It is a promenade
in the morning, a sitting on the throne at noon,
a pageant in the evening.

– Wallace Stevens

Lhasa, Tibet

Nature’s beauty is a gift that cultivates
appreciation and gratitude.
– Louie Schwartzberg

Le Havre, France
Sahel, Africa

Nature is what we know / Yet have not art to say /
So impotent our wisdom is / To her simplicity.
– Emily Dickinson

Yokohama, Japan

New Book: Steve McCurry:  A Life in Pictures
The selection of photographs includes Steve’s best-known shots and
more than 100 previously unpublished images.  

Italy – Mondadori/Electa

Germany – Knesebeck publishers

 UK  – Laurence King Publishers

US – Laurence King Publishers – November 20

 France,  November 8 – La Martiniere

Also included are personal notes, telegrams and
visual ephemera from his travels and assignments,
all accompanied by his sister’s text.