
Grit: The Courage to Continue



Success is not final, failure is not fatal:
it is the courage to continue that counts.
– Winston Churchill

Kathmandu, Nepal

Over time, grit is what separates fruitful lives from aimlessness.
– John Ortberg

Charikar, Afghanistan
Johnstown, PA, USA

Grit is not just simple elbow-grease term for rugged persistence.
It is an often invisible display of endurance that lets
you stay in an uncomfortable place, work hard to improve
upon a given interest and do it again and again.
– Sarah Lewis, PhD

Calcutta, India
Afghan Border, Peshawar, Pakistan

Childhood doesn’t have to be perfect, and children don’t
have to be beautiful. From a bit of grit may grow a pearl,
and if pearl production doesn’t materialize, the outcome will
still be preferable to the shallowness of vanity.

– Laurie Graham

Java, Indonesia
Angkor Wat, Cambodia
Porbandar, Gujarat, India

Heroes are never perfect, but they’re brave, they’re authentic,
they’re courageous, determined, discreet, and they’ve got grit.
-Wade Davis

Bamiyan, Afghanistan

Grit is sticking with your future day in,
day out and not just for the week,
not just for the month, but for years.
– Angela Lee Duckworth, PhD

Angkor Wat, Cambodia 

By Steve McCurry

Steve McCurry has been one of the most iconic voices in contemporary photography for more than thirty years, with scores of magazine and book covers, over a dozen books, and countless exhibitions around the world to his name.

To read more about Steve go to

57 replies on “Grit: The Courage to Continue”

Yes I agree with you, since we all know that the earth is unstable ,everything gos ,
depends on individual awareness to life, is a choice.

McCurry. These are amazing. I have been looking for photos that tell stories and your photos I must say are life’s illustrations itself.
I wonder if we can use them on posts. That’s if you agree.

Reblogged this on Anemix and the Jabberwocky and commented:
The past five months have been a real challenge. Some days I don’t even know who I am because constant pain has taken over my life. But I keep showing up day after day. I keep trying to fulfill my responsibilities to the other people in my life. I keep trying to make it through each day with as much grace and a little whining as possible. That is what grit really is, and it is what the people in these photos represent. They really are an inspiration. If they can do it, so can I.

Thanks Steve for your Wonderful Work.
These Images Capture the Spirit of Humanity at its Best. And they Trigger the AWE in each of us Fortunate enough to See them, Enabling us to Awaken a little more.

Thank you. Today ,feeling just a teeny bit sorry for myself having a chronic progressive disease, this is sweet light and clear water and a way through, blows fresh air in and lightens my heart. Thank you,

It ‘rained’ in my kitchen today when a hot water pipe burst at my upstairs neighbors’ place. Made for a mess. For them. For me. Will make for a bigger mess still when the ceiling be opened and ruined things be tossed out and work cancelled to accommodate repairs and other stuff of life that is still, in essence, a lot more privileged than that of most. Because I have running water (even if they make for indoors water park when something in a century old building goes pop), and I have a ceiling over my head (even if parts of it will need to be open for a time and mold removed and what not) and I have people to do what needs to be done to make it whole again. And it is all of it, just an inconvenience. Your fantastic photos, however, are of true grit. May we never be called to exercise our own grit-potential to its limits, or beyond.

Thank you for sharing your stunning and beautiful images. The images are so powerful. You are truly a master of story telling.

testimonies to the strength of human spirit – yes- And to the cruelty of men, as well. i would like to see less lost arms and legs, less distress caused by men. Happy the land that does not need heroes (Bert Brecht).

The cool thing about this post is that one senses the photographer knows something about grit, too. What a privilege it is to be able to see your work here! Gorgeous images, powerful stories. Thank you for sharing both.

These pictures are simply amazing, evocative and wonderful as always. Each picture tells a story of unending determination and courage through the most challenging circumstances.
The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart.

This is truly inspirational. I will be forwarding this blog to my granddaughter who is in her Phd journey.

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