
Our Faces: Unpublished Portraits

Sahel region, Africa

Portraits reveal a desire for human connection,
a desire so strong that people who know they will never see me again open themselves to the camera,  all in the hope that at the other end someone will be watching, someone who will laugh or suffer with them.









Pakistan/Afghanistan Border


South Africa










Angkor Wat, Cambodia


















Angkor Wat, Cambodia




Madrid, Spain


By Steve McCurry

Steve McCurry has been one of the most iconic voices in contemporary photography for more than thirty years, with scores of magazine and book covers, over a dozen books, and countless exhibitions around the world to his name.

To read more about Steve go to

17 replies on “Our Faces: Unpublished Portraits”

What an amazing, captivating, and important set of images. I am mesmerized by all of them. Thank you, Mr. McCurry, for your work.

” Portraits reveal a desire for human connection,
a desire so strong that people who know they will never see me again open themselves to the camera, all in the hope that at the other end someone will be watching, someone who will laugh or suffer with them.”

You have summed this up beautifully. Thank you again Stevebhai

” Portraits reveal a desire for human connection,
a desire so strong that people who know they will never see me again open themselves to the camera, all in the hope that at the other end someone will be watching, someone who will laugh or suffer with them.” You have summed this up beautifully.

Thank you again Stevebhai

All photos got a deep stories behind them if u can see enough. The faces speaks to us all human alike, to love to care and to survive!

Sir Steve McCurry,
It is because of you I started reading National Geographic and it must be true for many people of my generation. The Afghan file photo still brings moments of joy to us and the story she narrates. You have a knack to tell a story of a place and a person. Such a gift is rare. Many of us have seen the world and aspects of human conditions through your images. Sir, most of us follow a religion or pray to a god only with a reason to meet the god one day. For me the desire to meet you is such. In your busy life and travels, do you ever have a moment to meet a fan of yours for 40 years, that’s since my childhood. I am coming to NYC around 20 th of May 2020. …or do you visit India, if so I would like to host you, host a lecture to the audience in Pune at the National Film Archives of India. Sir, stay blessed and live long to make some one images that the world needs to see through your lenses.
Much Regards
Ramprasad Akkisetti
Pune, India

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